Senate National Parks Subcommittee Hearing Held on June 27, 2012
The National Parks Subcommittee heard testimony on S.2372, Preserving Public Access to Cape Hatteras Beaches Act, on Wednesday, June 27. This bipartisan bill was introduced on April 26 by Senator Richard Burr and co-sponsored by Senator Kay Hagan. It would abolish the final ORV plan and rule and return the management of the seashore to the 2007 Interim Protected Species Management Plan until the Secretary of the Department of Interior and Director of the National Park Service devise a new ORV plan and final rule that meets the requirements set forth in the legislation.
The full hearing can be viewed at the Senate National Parks Subcommittee Webcast. The testimony related to S.2372 begins around the 42 minute mark. Warren Judge, chairman of the Dare County Board of County Commissioners testified before the committee and expressed the importance of this legislation the the residents and visitors to the seashore. Chairman Judge's Testimony written testimony can also be viewed
Iren Nolan, editor of the Island Free Press has provided insight into the hearing through her article following the hearing and her weekly blog.
Island Free Press News Release
Island Free Press Blog
Senator Joe Manchin, WV strongly supported the bill during the hearing and is an important ally in our continued effort to pass this legislation. The next step in the process will be fo he Senate committe to mve to mark up and vote on whether to send the bill to the Senate floor for a full vote.